
Christian Devotional – June 24, 2015

Read Mark chapter 4


Mark 4:40–He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”


Faith and Fear are opposites. Where one exists, the other cannot. As we allow fear into our thoughts, faith is diminished. As we hold to our faith in God, fear diminishes. When we look around ourselves and our experiences, do we see fear or do we see faith reflected? What drives us and our decisions: fear or faith? Just as Jesus pointed out to the disciples if we are allowing fear to guide us, we will not experience the peace that comes from resting in our faith in Jesus. What is driving us today?


Father, often fear comes in slowly and tries to sneak in when I’m least expecting it. I will hold to faith in You. As I cling to that, I will see that You are faithful and I have no reason to even consider fear. Thank You for being worthy of my faith.