
Christian Devotional – June 8, 2015

Read Psalm chapter 139


Psalm 139:16–Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.


God has seen us and knows us. He knew us even before we were born. God knit us together and created each and every one of us individually. God knew the days that we were pass on this earth before we even began the journey of this life. This is very comforting to me because I know that nothing is going to happen that is outside of His control or that takes Him by surprise. Will we trust Him to guide and direct His paths even when we don’t know what is coming up? He knows and He will be there with us through it.


Father, I take great comfort knowing that You have everything planned ahead. I will trust in You and will lean on You to guide and direct my paths each day. Help me not to look to myself and my abilities for a sense of accomplishment, but to look to You to provide those things for me. I will give You the glory and praise for the work that You do through me.