
Christian Devotional – March 10, 2016

Read Joshua chapter 8


Joshua 8:34–Afterward, Joshua read all the words of the law–the blessings and he curses–just as it is written in the Book of the Law.


Joshua read all the words of the Law. Sometimes today we find people who pick and choose certain words from the Bible. I really like this section, but I don’t like that one so I won’t read it. Taking that attitude can really be a detriment to our daily walk for we will not be following all the Law. God gave us each and every word that we have in scripture for a purpose and we are to study and live by all of it. Joshua did that for the people then, and we are to continue to read all and follow al of it today.


Father, I know that Your words are life and that You gave these words for a reason. Sometimes, they are difficult words to understand or to follow, but I will trust You and follow You and, as a result, I will follow Your words. Thank You for giving us Your Word.