Christian Devotional – March 14, 2022
The Essential Jesus, Day 73

Prayer. As we look at Jesus and prayer, he spends a lot of time teaching and explaining about prayer. Looking at day 73 of The Essential Jesus reading plan on, we are in John 14:1-14.
So often we end our prayers with the phrase, “in Jesus’s name.” What does that even mean to ask? Yes, Jesus tells us to pray in his name and that we will receive, but it’s more than just uttering a name in a prayer. To pray in Jesus’s name means we are using his authority as a way to fulfill his purpose. Jesus is God. As he states earlier, “I and the Father are one.”
As we pray in his name, we are praying for the very purpose and desire of God. Do our requests and our prayers line up with what God desires? Are we focusing on how we can further his kingdom and demonstrate his glory to others? Praying in Jesus name means that we are seeking these things. Do our prayers reflect that?