
Christian Devotional – March 25, 2016

Read Joshua chapter 21


Joshua 21:45–Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed, every one was fulfilled.


Every one of God’s promises to Israel was fulfilled. There wasn’t a single one that God forgot about or let slip. If God promised it to Israel, He did it. God hasn’t changed who He is and so even today when God promises us something, we can count on it being fulfilled. Do we act and live each day confident in the promises of God? We should! God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19) so we can hope in the promises of God.


Father, I know that You are going to keep Your Word and Your promises to me. Thank You for being faithful to all that You have said You would do. Keep me focused on You and Your promises today, knowing that they will be fulfilled in Your timing and for Your glory.