
Christian Devotional – March 3, 2016

Read Joshua chapter 2


Read Joshua 2:24–They said to Joshua, “The Lord has surely given the whole land into our hands; all the people are melting in fear because of us.”


When God has a job for us to do, He will always give us everything that we need to be able to do that job. Sometimes, what we need most is the assurance that we’re doing the right thing. God knows that and He will even provide that for us as well. Joshua was still having difficulty knowing for sure that He was following God, so God continually allowed Him to see and to hear what others were saying. In this case, Joshua, heard that other people had already heard what God was doing and were melting in fear. We can trust that the plan God has for us is exactly where He wants us to be and He will help us to have the faith we need to obey if we will just ask Him.


Father, I want to obey You and to wait on You, but I sometimes have difficulty. I believe You; help my unbelief! I will trust You and I will praise You for when You continue to show me all that You have done for me. Thank You for Your trust and Your love and Your guidance in my life.