
Christian Devotional – May 1, 2022

The Next Steps, Day 14

Two verses, such change. When we read Acts 14, we see such an incredible change in the people from one verse to the next.

As we read through the story, we see how Paul and Barnabas dealt with some of the issues they encountered while they were on their missionary trip spreading the gospel of Christ. In one place, the people thought they were gods and treated them as such, that is until one verse later and people told them they weren’t and then they wanted to kill them.

When we have a relationship with Christ and are seeking to follow him, the way people respond to us may be very different from day to day and it may change very rapidly. People may like what we say and what we do when it lines up with their personal narrative about how life should be. However, if it doesn’t, people are ready to stone us. Interestingly, that can be the same person on two different days. Most people like God when it’s convenient and when they can get from him what they want, and don’t like him when it’s not convenient.

Are we following following Christ no matter what happens and are we sharing his message with people, regardless of their response to us. The gospel is the gospel and truth is truth no matter what people have determined in their own mind. We must continue to share the message.