Christian Devotional – May 1, 2023
James, Day 8

Is planning a sin? Read James 4:13-17.
God wants us to use the time that he has given us in the best way possible to glorify him. To do that, there will always be a balance between planning, faith, and God’s seemingly spontaneous but perfect timing.
God is the ultimate planner and he is the one who knows exactly what is going to happen and when. We, on the other hand, often we’ll try to plan. However, do things go according to our plan?
Sometimes we have to recognize that God has different plans, and we need to be flexible to move and flow with what he has aligned for our day, instead of what we have lined up for our day. You never know how God is going to rearrange things so that we meet just the right person at just the right time to share the exact message that God has for us to give them at that point. Are we open and flexible to allowing God to change our plans? Do we expect God to change our plans?