Christian Devotional – May 11, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 119

God’s Word. Read Psalm 119.
It’s always such an accomplishment to read through Psalm 119. This chapter of 176 verses is full of praise and adoration for the word of God. When we think about all that God’s word is and all that it does in our lives, it’s so amazing to think that God provided it for us to be able to know him better and to love him more. Looking through this chapter, it’s always hard to pick out just 1 or 2 verses, but today these verses stuck out to me.
We really only have two options, either we will love and cherish God’s word, or we will perish. God’s word is life and love to those who believe in him and who are seeking him, and God’s word is judgment and punishment to those who are not. The exact same thing can bring blessing or cursing, what matters is our relationship to him. Are we understanding that and do we look at God’s word as the blessing that it truly is in our lives. Are we seeking him and using God’s word as a way to come closer to him and to know him better, or will ultimately God’s word become our downfall and judge us.