
Christian Devotional – May 18, 2022

Days of the Judges, Day 3

Tales of greatness. While the book of Judges tells many stories about the sin and evil of the Israelites, we can see many great and amazing stories as well. Read Judges 3.

We see the journey of 3 different men. These three men all save Israel from people who were overpowering them. These three men all do amazing things for God and through God. Yet, the scripture gives more verses to some than to others. We see the story of Othniel, which doesn’t have much detail. Then we see the story of Ehud, which is very detailed (and one of my favorite stories in the Bible). Finally we have Shamgar and he gets 1 verse.

Today, I am reminded that no matter how God chooses to use me, it’s up to him to determine the story that is shared. It’s ok if my life only has 1 verse, as long as that verse is about my love and devotion to Christ. I so desire to do great things for God that sometimes my desire for greatness gets in the way of my obedience. I pray that God will use me the way he wants and then whatever story he desires to share with others, that’s up to him.