
Christian Devotional – May 24, 2016

Read Amos chapter 7


Amos 7:8–And the Lord asked me, “What do you see, Amos?” “A plumb line,” I replied. Then the Lord said, “Look, I am setting a plumb line among my people Israel; I will spare them no longer.”


The plumb line is a fascinating tool. It’s very simple and uses simple gravity, but is truly the most accurate way to gauge whether a building is set and built correctly on its foundation. It’s also very easy to see when something is not “plumb” when set next to a plumb line. The Lord realizes that the people think they are doing right and yet, He knows they are not, so He is going to set a plumb line so they can truly see how out of whack their lives have become. If the Lord set His righteous, holy plumb line next to our life, how would we compare? We often think we’re pretty good, but when compared to perfection, how do we stand? Are we repenting to God and allowing Him to cleanse our life and life His life through us? Only through Him can we truly be plumb.


Father, I praise You and thank You for all that You do. I don’t like seeing my life so off base when compared to Your plumb line, but I know that You show me this so that I will repent and turn to You. I praise You for all that You do and all that You’ve done for me. Set my life to be “plumb” with You.