
Christian Devotional – May 25, 2016

Read Amos chapter 8


Amos 8:11–“The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign Lord, “when I will send a famine through the land–not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.”


The people of Israel were no longer seeking after God’s Word and as a result, a time was coming when they wouldn’t be able to find it or hear it because God would stop sending prophets to them. Sure enough, this did happen to them, right before they were driven into exile and dispersed by the conquest of the Assyrians. Interestingly, this feels like where things are at today. While we have the Bible as God’s Word to us, we have such an amazing lack of reading and applying God’s Word today, that I fear the same is coming for us if we don’t seek to repent and turn back to God. Do we long to hear God’s Words? When we hear them, do we do them?


Father, I need Your Words and I need a fresh word from You every single day. Please come and heal our land. We all need You and Your touch. I pray that You will give us a hunger for God’s Word now while we are still around to feed that hunger and thirst for You. Thank You for showing Yourself faithful to me and to all who seek after You.