Christian Devotional – May 4, 2023
James, Day 11

Share. Read James 5:13-20.
As James closes out this book, we see his focus on ensuring that people are sharing the message. We must pray for others. We must share with others. We must deliver the message. In everything that we do, we are to be focused on sharing what God gives us to share and telling others what he has done in our lives.
God does not do things in our lives for us to be silent about them. God does not reveal himself to us so that we can keep it to ourselves. God desires that we share with others what He is doing in our life. Why? Because God wants to do the same types of things in the lives of others.
We cannot hoard God’s blessings all to ourselves. We must earnestly and desperately desire for others to know him. The way they do that is through our sharing. What message does God want me to share with others today?