Christian Devotional – May 5, 2023
Book of Revival, Day 1

As we start a new area of study, we’re going to go back and look at a book in the Old Testament that is credited with being a book of revival. It is typically thought that Deuteronomy was the book that was found in the temple later on by the people of Israel that brought about revival. Read Deuteronomy chapter one.
This book begins with a recap of history. A reminder of God’s promise with gibbed. We see that god did so many amazing things for the people of Israel. Moses, the author of Deuteronomy, recounts their history starting with the promises that God gave the people. Next, he twlls ways in which the people fell short of everything God asked them to do.
If we want to experience revival, it starts by understanding who God is and all that he has done for us. Next, we must recognize who we truly are and just how short we fall of everything God asks us. Revival begins when we recognize we need it. Do we understand how desperate we are without God? Are we seeking after a revival and renewal in our own hearts every day?