
Christian Devotional – May 6, 2016

Read Daniel chapter 5


Daniel 5:22–But you, Belshazzar, his son, have not humbled yourself, though you knew all this.


We are not just accountable for what we have learned ourselves, but we are accountable for all that we know, even if we learned it through someone else’s example. Have we watched a loved one or family member who has suffered severe consequences as a result of poor choices? We will be held accountable for the knowledge of the result of those choices. We can’t claim ignorance or indicate that we didn’t know we shouldn’t be doing something. Belshazzar learned this the hard way and now we must learn from his example.


Father, thank You for so many examples of people who can help guide me in the way I should act and respond. I pray that You will help me to learn from both the positive and negative examples in my life. Thank You for all that You do and the way that You work and move in my life.