
Christian Devotional – November 10, 2018

Have you ever felt forgotten?  With everything that goes on in life and in the world, it’s easy to get caught up with all the daily stuff and wonder if people remember us. Joseph knew what it felt like to be forgotten. Read Genesis 40:20-23.

Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.
Genesis 40:23 NASB

Joseph had done something amazing. These two prisoners had told him their dreams and Joseph, through the power of God, had interpreted those dreams. And then everything came about exactly as Joseph had told them it would. That wouldn’t be something you would forget right away, right? Unfortunately, that’s exactly what scripture says happened. The cup bearer was restored to his position at Pharaoh’s right hand and at Pharaoh’s table, and he completely forgot about mentioning Joseph.

As one of over 7 billion people on the planet, it can be very easy sometimes to feel like God has forgotten us, too. When we pray and don’t see responses to our prayers right away, we question and wonder does God hear us? When we see bad things happen to good people it can cause us to question where God is in everything.

God is exactly where he’s always been, which is right in the middle of control of everything that happens. God does not forget us, even when other people do. God sees our need. God sees our circumstances. And most importantly, God knows exactly what we need in the midst of everything we go through. God is constantly working to bring about his glory in and through our lives. We just may not understand how he’s doing that or why he’s allowing circumstances he is. But rest assured, even though other people may forget us come God has never forgotten us and never will. God had not forgotten Joseph and he hasn’t forgotten us. We can always trust in him.