
Christian Devotional – November 14, 2015

Read James chapter 4


James 4:2–You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.


James just finished talking about the fact that our quarrels and fights come from our desires that battle within us, now he says that the way these desires lead to that is because we get angry when we don’t get what we want. We set our mind on the fact that we deserve something or are entitled to something and if we don’t get it, we get mad and start arguing and fighting with others. We exclaim how unfair the situation is, how wrong it is, and all of this stems from the fact that we want something and didn’t get it. James makes a great point at the end of this verse. Many times we don’t have because we’ve not truly asked God to supply our need. There can be many reasons why we don’t ask God for things, but He is our great Provider. As we discussed yesterday, if we are focused on having His desires, then we need to come to Him in order to ask Him to provide those desires.


Father, I pray that You would search my heart and remove any desires that aren’t from You. I want all my desires to be from You. I will come to You to supply all that I need and I will not get distracted by my own selfish desires. Thank You for caring enough to provide me with what I need.