Christian Devotional – November 23, 2021
30 Days of Thanks, Day 23

Tell the whole world. As we’ve been through day 23 of the 30 days of Thanks reading plan found on, we see today the importance of the importance of spreading the message of all the greatness that God is and has done. See Psalm 105:1.
When we think of what it means to tell the world, what do we think of? In our mind is telling the world traveling to foreign countries and sharing the message? Or, do we understand that telling the world can include telling our neighbors, telling our friends, telling our coworkers? We want to be able to tell the whole world about all the greatness that God is, but that starts by telling the people we are around. We don’t have to travel the globe to share the message of Christ. Now, if we have the opportunity, then certainly we should do that. However, we can share the message of Christ where we are. Are we doing that?