
Christian Devotional – November 27, 2015

Read James chapter 4


James 4:15–Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”


None of us know what tomorrow will bring. we can make all different kinds of plans and goals and one phone call can change absolutely everything. We must remember that our lives follow according to God’s plan for us and that we can have plans, but they must be in line with God’s plan for our lives and not just our own. Will we seek the Lord’s will and plan for our lives today?


Father, I will serve You and love You today. I know that You have a plan for me and I am excited to see what that plan entails. Thank You for all that You have brought to me, even when I didn’t expect it and it wasn’t part of my plan. If it is Your will, I will continue to follow through on the plans You have given me today.