Christian Devotional – November 29, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 54

We need the truth. Read Lamentations chapter 2.
As we continue through this book of the weeping of Jeremiah, we see this verse. We need to be told the truth. If we don’t know or understand where or how we are falling short, we won’t know how much we need Jesus. That is why God gave us the ten commandments. Because we have those, we now know that we do not measure up. For the people here, the prophets came, and instead of telling them the truth, they told them lies and made them seem like everything was fine.
We need people in our lives who are willing to tell us the truth. We, in turn, need to be willing to hear the truth. These people were in this situation because they didn’t have many people speaking the truth, and they didn’t believe the people who were speaking truth.