Christian Devotional – November 3, 2023
Evangelism 101, Day 17

Death because of a plant. Read Jonah 4:9.
As this story continues, we see God ask Jonah again if he has a right to be angry. This time, instead of being about the people of Nineveh, Jonah is angry about a plant. In fact, he’s so angry that he says he wishes he was dead.
When God is moving, are we still so focused on ourselves that we get mad at any little thing that inconveniences us? Why do we get mad about the things that we can’t control? Jonah had no control over the plant, the worm, or the wind. Yet he was so very happy with one and upset to the point of death about the other.
We have to trust God and realize that we don’t need to get upset about God’s plan. We are to trust him.