Christian Devotional – October 10, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 6
“Oh, it’s not serious.” Read Jeremiah chapter 6.
God, speaking through Jeremiah, is telling the people just how upset he is with them. The biggest areas of concern has been the fact that the people are aware that what they are doing is wrong, but they have been told it’s not that serious. What they’re doing wrong isn’t that big of a deal, so they have been told. Instead, God wants them to understand that sin is sin. Sinning against a holy God is always serious. The consequences of what they are going through is going to be complete destruction.
Sometimes we try to gloss over our sin. We try to make it sound like it’s not that bad or that it’s not that big of a deal. But, sin against a holy God is punishable by death. Sin has serious consequences. When we evaluate the sin in our life do we recognize the seriousness of what we have done? And are we truly understanding of what the consequences of our actions are?
Without God’s grace and mercy we are all worthy of being destroyed because of our sin. There is no peace apart from the saving grace of Jesus Christ.