
Christian Devotional – October 12, 2017

Why do we do what we do? In Proverbs 16:1-13, Solomon continus to share about the differences between the wise man and fool. In verse 2, it indicates that God understands our motives and judges us according to those, not just the action itself. In the business world, I talk a lot about business objectives (“what” someone does) and competencies (“how” someone does it), but God is also interested in the “why” behind what we do. We can often fool lots of people with regards to the first two, the what and the how, but we can’t fool God on the why. He will hold us accountable for the why behind our actions. Are we seeking to please Him in everything that we do? Is our motive to see orhers come to Him or for God to be glorified? Today, take a good, long look at the motives behind our actions and align them with God’s motives.