
Christian Devotional – October 16, 2015

Read James chapter 2


James 2:11–For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery,” also said, “You shall not murder.” If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.


As mentioned before, we must keep the whole law, not just a part of it. If we disobey even one part of if, we’ve become guilty of disobeying all of it. We must be sure that we understand the importance of all the Words that god has spoken. He didn’t speak some words with more importance than others; all of the words of God are important and are to be valued as such. As we go to show Him that we love Him by obeying Him, we must work to allow His Spirit to live out all his words through us.


Father, I know that Your words are right and true. I will allow Your Spirit to live through my life today so that You will be able to obey all of Your words. Thank You for all that You have done in my life today and for allowing me to be made right with You after being a lawbreaker.