Christian Devotional – October 16, 2023
Evangelism 101, Day 1

Have a message worth sharing. Read Jonah 1:1-3.
This month at our church, Discover Church, we have an emphasis on sharing your faith. We are encouraging all our members to share their faith with at least one person this month. God has given us an incredible message to share!
As we spend the next several days going through the book of Jonah, Jonah had a message to share as well. God gave Jonah a message and he wanted Jonah to share it, but Jonah didn’t want to. As we study through this incredible book, we’re going to keep the focus on evangelism and make sure that we are all ready and capable of sharing whatever message God has given us with whoever God directs us to. Are we sharing the incredible message of God’s redemptive plan with others?