Christian Devotional – October 18, 2023
Evangelism 101, Day 3

The information Jonah shared. Read Jonah 1:7-10.
Jonah hadn’t known these people for very long and yet they already knew his reputation. He had told them he was running from God. So when the situation was becoming critical, they turned to him. Everything was pointing to Jonah.
Why did Jonah tell them that he was running to God? These people didn’t know him and it seems an odd thing for Jonah to just share with them in casual conversation. What do we share with people? Jonah was still talking about God to others, even as he was being disobedient.
Do we talk about God? Are we sharing about how we are interacting with God? Some days I am better and more obedient than others but that doesn’t change my responsibility to share. Sometimes others need to know our struggles as much as our victories. What do we share with others?