Christian Devotional – October 26, 2024
The Vision, Day 1

Thanks for the suggestions on next books. Looked like prophecy was the common theme of the requests. Prophecy books can be challenging to understand and apply to our lives. We’ll start through Ezekiel and focus on the vision that God gives for what is coming.
Seeing God’s glory. Read Ezekiel chapter 1.
God doesn’t waste any time. He starts out the book of Ezekiel with a vision that the prophet received. This vision was vastly complex and difficult to describe. Ultimately at the end of the chapter we see that this is a vision of God’s glory.
We can learn so much about his glory from the vision. It is everywhere. It is powerful and beautiful. It sees everything and is impacting everything. Nothing can escape from the glory of God. Ezekiel’s only response is to fall down and worship.
When we truly understand even just a glimpse of how amazing and awe-inspiring God’s glory is, we will have no other choice but to fall down in worship. We see hints of God’s glory all around us. Romans 1 talks about God revealing himself in nature.
Are we praising God for his tremendous glory today? Do we need to stop and take time to truly think about and meditate on the glory of God today?
Check out the video here: