Christian Devotional – October 27, 2024
The Vision, Day 2

Obedience in spite of the response. Read Ezekiel chapter 2.
After showing Ezekiel all his glory in the last chapter, God now calls him to be the one to share his message. God reminds him that the people he is coming to are rebellious. Those people may respond to God’s message or they may not. That’s really not Ezekiel’s concern. Ezekiel is to be obedient to God. Now that he’s seen God’s glory, he knows just how amazing God is. He has to share the message, no matter the response.
Do we feel that way? Have we encountered God in such a way that we truly understand. We need his glory in our lives and as a result, we can be obedient to absolutely anything he would ask us to do. God’s glory is paramount to everything. Are we taking the time to share his message regardless of how others respond?
Check out the video devotional: