Christian Devotional – October 30, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 26

Angry about God’s message. Read Jeremiah chapter 26.
Jeremiah has continued to share God’s message with people, and they don’t like it. People decide that Jeremiah must die. The king actually has already had another prophet killed who was sharing God’s message. They began to debate about whether or not killing Jeremiah would be OK. The kings are trying to avoid punishment at all costs and so the question becomes, will the judgment that Jeremiah describes come true, or will they experience more judgment and punishment by killing him?
God works through the situation and saves Jeremiah, but we need to recognize the fact that people do not like to hear about the coming judgment that they face. People may have extremely negative responses about what we share with them. That doesn’t change the importance of sharing the message. Jeremiah shared God’s message. After that, everything else that happens in the chapter is not up to Jeremiah. We are responsible for sharing the message God shares with us. Everything after that is up to God to lead and direct.