
Christian Devotional – October 31, 2022

The Weeping Prophet, Day 27

Options. Read Jeremiah chapter 27.

God gave the people options. As God was delivering his message to Jeremiah, Jeremiah was to tell the people what was going to happen and then give them two options of how they could respond to that information. God shared with the people that he was going to allow the Babylonians to take over. Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon was going to be in charge of everything in that area because God was going to allow it. However, the people had a choice. They could either choose to serve Babylon, or they could resist and as a result God would allow Babylon to destroy them.

Sometimes God allows us to have options as well. God will make His will known to us and we can choose to obey it or to disobey it. Our obedience does not change God’s plan. God is still going to accomplish what he wants to accomplish. Our obedience simply changes how we will experience God’s plan. If the people had chosen to be obedient to God’s direction, then they would have gone through this time much differently. However, they chose to rebel and as a result they were taken over completely by Babylon, just as Jeremiah said they would be.

What is God doing around us? How is God moving? We can either choose to be obedient to him and experience his will the way he intended, or through our disobedience we can experience the judgment of God.