Christian Devotional – October 31, 2023
Evangelism 101, Day 15

God continues to provide. Read Jonah 4:5-6.
Jonah was mad and God knew it. Still, God continued to provide for Jonah. This wasn’t even a “need” but was certainly more of a “want” for Jonah. God provided shade to comfort him. Now, remember, this was happening while Jonah was waiting on God to destroy the city. The irony of the situation is striking. Jonah was happy with the comfort that God provided him while he waited for God’s judgment on others.
Do we want to enjoy God’s comfort while we are waiting and watching for God’s judgment to fall on others? God’s mercy and grace is available to all and we need to understand that God is willing to extend that to anyone who is open to His Lordship. How can we help others to know and understand the mercy of God? We don’t want to keep that message all to ourselves.