Christian Devotional – October 9, 2023
Living for God’s Glory, Day 9

Obedience. Read Hosea chapter 9.
So many places through scripture we read that God desires obedience more than sacrifice. God wants his people to come to him and to obey him. As we read through this chapter in Hosea, we see so many ways that the people rejected God. As a result, God rejected them.
God wants to bring us into relationship with him, but he’s not going to force it. If we don’t want a relationship with him, he’s not going to make us have one. As a result, our obedience is a demonstration of our love of God and it shows him that we are seeking him.
What about us? Do we obey God as a way to demonstrate our love for him and live out his glory in our life? If we are not obeying him, then we have rejected him. If we reject God, ultimately he will reject us. Are we living out our obedience to God today?