
Christian Devotional – September 11, 2024

New Beginnings, Day 6

God’s new beginning. Read Genesis chapter 6.

Here we see God making a decision to start over. The creation that he made was not acting the way he created them to act. They weren’t doing what they were created to do. They were not fulfilling their purpose. So, God made the decision to issue judgment. God decided to make a new beginning.

Even in the midst of all of the disappointment and judgment, there was one man that God saw doing what was right. Based on Noah’s individual actions, God chose to save him. We can understand that God is going to judge each of us individually. He didn’t just lump everyone in together. He looked at each person’s individual life and how they were responding to him, and made the decision from that.

God created a plan for salvation and that his ultimate new beginning. Jesus Christ paying for our sins is how God offers us a new beginning. We are responsible for our decision to accept this offer of a new beginning. Have we accepted God’s new beginning for us?

Check out the video devotional here:

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