Christian Devotional – September 16, 2016
Read Romans chapter 1
Romans 1:12–that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.
We need each others. As Christians, we are to spend time encouraging and fellowshipping with each other. Paul was reminding the Roman people of this and letting them know that he needed them. They were an encouragement to him and his faith, just like he would be an encouragement to their faith. Are we spending time with other believers? Not just time where we watch TV or movies together; not just time spent talking about our kids or grandkids and their latest adventures. But, are we spending time with other believers talking about and sharing and encouraging each other in our relationship with Jesus Christ? That is where true fellowship happens and there is very little in this world that will provide more encouragement to each person than sitting down and sharing learnings, difficulties, praises, etc as we are walking with Christ. Find time today to share with another Christian believer what God has been showing you and learn what God is showing them and then see for yourself how encouraged you both become.
Father, thank You for providing wonderful Christian believers that I can share with and learn from. I know that You have great and amazing plans and that You have given me access to all the encouragement that I will need to stay focused on You. I pray that I may be an encouragement to others as they are such an encouragement to me.