
Christian Devotional – September 2, 2023

The Savior Comes, Day 1

The wait is over. Read Matthew chapter 1.

After finishing our time in Exodus, it seemed only fitting that we move straight over to the time when Christ comes. Matthew, the Jewish tax collector who met Jesus which changed his life, gives the story of Jesus from the perspective of the Jew. As we read through Matthew, we’ll see all of the laws, with emphasis on how Jesus fulfilled those laws, many of which we just studied through the book of Exodus. The savior has indeed come!

Reading this passage today, we see that God is explaining that Jesus coming is truly God with us. Jesus is God. There’s no question or doubt about whether Jesus was God or man. He was absolutely and completely both at the same time. Here we see that the promise that was made to the Jewish people, that he would be with them, is fulfilled through the coming of Jesus. He was called God with us.

Yes, as we accept Jesus Christ in our hearts and give him leadership and lordship of our lives, we have God with us every single day. Are we living with God being first in our life, knowing that he is with us?