
Christian Devotional – September 4, 2024

Hope, Day 9

Hope in repentance. Read Ezra chapter 9.

If you are ever confronted with your sin and need an example of a prayer of deep, heart-felt, profound repentance, Ezra chapter 9 is your go to. Here we see Ezra learning that the people have continued to commit sin, and he is broken by this. He falls down on his face before the Lord to plead and beg their repentance.

Ezra had a high level hope and faith and trust in God, but he recognizes just how deeply the people have sinned against God. And, he sees just how profound God’s judgment could have been against them. Recognizing what we deserve, while seeing clearly what we do deserve is a truly humbling moment. When we understand that our hope is in a Savior who has truly no reason to save us other than just the character of who he is, we realize just how undeserving we truly are.

When we have hope in the Lord, it is not because of who we are, it is because of who he is. Our hope is dependent upon the character of God and him being who he says he is. That’s part of what makes it hope. We can confidently put our trust in God knowing that even though we fall, he does not. He is worthy. He is truly why we have hope in the first place.

Watch today’s devotional here:

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