Christian Devotional – September 8, 2022
Prayer in Action, Day 22

React in prayer. As we see the continued challenges that Nehemiah faced, we realize that he made a conscious decision to react to these challenges in prayer. Read Nehemiah 6:5-9.
Now, the people that are against Nehemiah are spreading rumors by carrying an open letter through the land accusing Nehemiah of betraying the king. Still, Nehemiah refuses to back down and refuses to play along with them and their wishes. He answers them, briefly, and then gets back to work. He prayed to God through this all that God would strengthen his hands and allow the workers to continue to do the work.
We are going to face accusations and challenges and trials. People are not going to like us and they’re not going to like what we do sometimes. However, our responsibility is to God, and God alone.
Are we praying that God will keep us focused on the work. Or, are we praying that God will remove our discomfort and the challenges? Nehemiah’s prayer was not about the people who were causing the distractions. Nehemiah prayed for himself and his workers that they would just stay focused and do the work. We need to pray for ourselves today that we will stay focused and do the work that God has for us, regardless of everything going on around us and any challenges that we may face.