• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – September 26, 2024

    New Beginnings, Day 21 Laughter. Read Genesis chapter 21. A couple of chapters ago we saw Sarah get called out and criticized for laughing at God’s plan for her, and yet here we see her laughing in a different way. God has fulfilled what he promised her, and she laughs at the amazingness of God. The laughter is a rejoicing and a praising, not a mocking. She invites everyone else to rejoice and praise through laughter with her. When we look at the amazing things that God does, we can enjoy them. Laughter is a part of enjoyment and our ability to enjoy the movement of God in our life…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – September 25, 2024

    New Beginnings, Day 20 Oops. Read Genesis chapter 20. Abraham has seen God do amazing things. He has heard God tell him that he’s going to continue to do amazing things, and yet, Abraham makes a massive mistake and doesn’t trust God. Abraham finds himself in a situation surrounded by several powerful countries, and he resorts back to an old trick of his, which is saying that his wife is actually his sister. He’s afraid for his life thinking that people will kill him to be able to take his wife. What happens is that they end up taking her anyway, but this time God is extremely upset and punishes…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – September 24, 2024

    New Beginnings, Day 19 Reluctant new beginnings. Read Genesis chapter 19. We got a sneak peek as to what was going to happen today from yesterday’s chapter. Destruction and judgment is coming. God is going to judge the people and apparently, he couldn’t find even 10 righteous men. He still was willing to save Lot because of Abraham. Unfortunately, Lot didn’t really want to be saved. Sometimes when God brings about a new beginning, we are reluctant and drag our feet. We don’t want to go. We don’t want to leave what has been comfortable. Sometimes, like Lot, God has to grab us by the hand and drag us toward…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – September 23, 2024

    New Beginnings, Day 18 In the loop. Read Genesis chapter 18. Most all of us prefer to be in a loop when it comes to information and understanding what people are doing around us. We prefer to know what that is as opposed to be caught off guard or by surprise. I find it interesting here that God made the decision to bring Abraham into the loop. God was going to do something huge and God made the decision to tell Abraham about it beforehand. In fact, he even gave Abraham the opportunity to impact his decision. When we look at our relationship with God, do we have the kind…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – September 22, 2024

    New Beginnings, Day 17 Unbelievable plans. Read Genesis chapter 17. God actually reveals how he is going to go about fulfilling his plan for Abraham. How does Abraham reapond? He laughs. I think that is part of the reason that God waits to revel his plans to us. Not that he’s worried about us laughing at him, but that there is a chance that we won’t believe him or won’t be willing to go through with it. Do we believe God’s plans? Are we willing to move forward with him, even when what he plans to do is unbelievable? We need to recognize that God can do literally anything. Sometimes,…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – September 21, 2024

    New Beginnings, Day 16 False start. Read Genesis chapter 16. I enjoy running track in my spare time. Whenever I’m in a race, I cannot start the race until the starter shoots the starting pistol. If I do, it’s a false start and I am disqualified. God had told Abraham his grand plan for him. He had probably shared that plan with his wife. However, they decided that they could figure out how to work that plan on their own. Abram false started. How many times have we understood God’s plan for us, but not the timing. We get carried away and end up taking off early. We false start.…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – September 20, 2024

    New Beginnings, Day 15 Abram believed. Read Genesis chapter 15. We have read so much of Abram’s story already, it’s interesting to realize that this is truly the first time that Abram says he believes. We have seen Abram act through trust and faith in God, and we know that he understands that God has a plan for him. But, this is the first time that we truly see him express his belief in God. We can be going through the motions and understanding in our head that there is a plan, but are we willing to come to the place where we truly believe God’s plan for us? It…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – September 19, 2024

    New Beginnings, Day 14 Ready for anything. Read Genesis chapter 14. In reading through this battle, we see that there was a group of 5 kings up against a group of 4 kings. Unfortunately, Abram’s nephew Lot was caught up in the middle of it. Up to that point, Abram wasn’t involved. He was not looking for a fight. He was not attempting to conquer anything. Up through this entire book we have not seen Abram engaged in battle, however he was ready for it. He had 318 men that were trained for that very purpose, even though he had never actively sought to conquer anyone. Abram understood the risks…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – September 18, 2024

    New Beginnings, Day 13 Choices. Read Genesis chapter 13. Abram and lot were too big to stay together. Abram allowed Lot to have his choice of the land. Lot went east, so Abram was heading west. Then the Lord interrupts and tells Abram that it doesn’t really matter because everything, north, south, east, and west will ultimately belong to his descendants. Lot wasn’t a descendant of Abram, and Abram knew that. But it didn’t matter that he chose land, God is still in control and God was giving it all to Abram. We can sometimes be very short-sighted. We see short-term decisions and forget that God is looking at his…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – September 17, 2024

    New Beginnings, Day 12 New Beginnings and Legacy. Read Genesis chapter 12. Abram definitely had a new beginning. God told him to leave everything he knew, take his family and move. God didn’t even tell him where until he got there. But then, God explained to him why he was moving him. God was going to give his family an entire new beginning and generations after him would be changed and impacted as a result of this new beginning. For me, ehen I’m looking at changes, so often I think about myself only. I think about the changes that I have to go through and the the plans for my…