• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – March 1, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 60 Worthless. Read Psalm chapter 60. As we see the psalmist, we understand that he needed divine help. Nothing and no one in this world was going to be able to help him except God. Do we turn to him for all of our help? Are we willing to seek God and not lean on ourselves for our needs?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 29, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 59 God’s love. Read Psalm chapter 59. As I read this chapter, I see all the difficulties and challenges that David was experiencing. He was really in a difficult spot and all his enemies were rising up against him. Still, he sings of God’s love. I like the simplicity of this thought. My world gets so complicated sometimes. Between work and family and outside activities, things are really challenging and I feel pulled in many directions. The idea that I can simply relax and focus on God’s love for me is mindblowing. He is my refuge. He is my strength. In him I will trust. I…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 28, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 58 The world has a judge. Read Psalm chapter 58. As we read this chapter, we see justice that is delivered out to the world from God. The writer has felt wronged and he now has the opportunity to see God work and move. Ultimately, God is the judge of the world. God has every right to judge his creation and to hold them to the standards that he has set. When we consider ourselves, we realize that we are not any better than any others. Still, with all the evil in the world, it is very reassuring to realize that God will make things right.…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 27, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 57 Where am I? Read Psalm chapter 57. I must admit, I almost laughed out loud when I read this verse. Here we are, reading through this beautiful psalm of praise and glory and adoration of our amazing and incredible God, and thrown in the midst is this verse that describes the horrible terrible situation that the psalmist is in. I can also relate. Many times I have felt in exactly the same spot. Where are we today? Are we in the middle of difficult, challenging situations? Are we in the midst of struggles? No matter where we are, we can still praise and worship God…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 26, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 56 Delivered. Read Psalm chapter 56. Why does God delivery us. When we look at this psalm, we see that, yet again, David is saved and delivered from his enemies. God has provided a way. But why does God do that? God delivered him so that David would walk before God in the light of life. When God delivers us, he does so with a purpose. God always wants us to be focusing on him and to walk before him. He doesn’t save us so that we can get back into the same situation again. God delivers us so that we will be a testimony to…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 24, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 55 Fear. Read Psalm chapter 55. As we look at this chapter, we see a man who has been chased and pursued by his enemies. He is scared and feels alone. In the midst of this chapter, he says thst he wishes he could run away. How many times have we felt that? We have all been in difficult spots and wished thst we could run away, hide, disappear, something. While he has this verse in the middle of the psalm, by the time we get to the end of the psalm, he is back to trusting in God. We may feel scared and afraid. We…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 23, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 54 Keep on keeping on. Read Psalm chapter 54. David has been betrayed and is on the run. As he is writing this, David realizes that the people he thought he could trust, actually turn him in. What he finds now is that God is the only one he can trust. David turns to God and realizes God is the one who sustains him and he is always there for him. When we look at our lives, do we recognize that we are to be obedient to God. We may not understand what’s going on and we may be angry or frustrated with the situation, but…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 22, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 53 What does God see? Read Psalm chapter 53. We know that God sees us. We also know that people do not always understand or appreciate God. When God looks down from heaven and sees us, what does he see? Are we demonstrating our love of God through our obedience to him? How can we demonstrate that to him each day so that when he looks down from heaven, he sees people who are seeking to understand him?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 21, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 52 Praise and hope. Read Psalm chapter 52. We are responsible for praising God in the presence of everyone. When we look at the people we are around, are we praising God and sharing with them his hope? How do we continue to demonstrate that hope to others, regardless of the circumstances that we are facing?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 20, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 51 God is able to judge. Read Psalm chapter 51. This psalm digs deep into repentance. As we see David putting out his heart to the Lord, he acknowledges that God has every right to judge him. In today’s world, we often end up telling people that they don’t have the right to judge us. Not so with God. God has ther right to judge us. He is holy and he can point out the areas that we fail. Are we open to God’s judgment and will we repent?