• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 8, 2022

    Four of the Letters, Day 6 The Christian life is hard. How can we help each other out? Read Galatians chapter 6. As this book comes to a conclusion, we see Paul addressing how we treat one another. We are to never tire in doing the good works that we are to do toward each other, and we are to help carry one another’s burdens. When we help carry each other’s burdens, that means that we are actually putting forth effort toward moving the burden in a positive direction. How do we help each other stand up under the pressures and difficulties of life? It can be challenging to know…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 7, 2022

    Four of the Letters, Day 5 Faith and hope. Read Galatians chapter 5. The Holy Spirit and His work in our lives is allows us to hope. Because of the Spirit, we can patiently wait for God’s work in our lives. When we think about all that God does for us, we have reason to hope in Him.

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 6, 2022

    Four of the Letters, Day 4 Not a slave, an heir. Read Galatians chapter 4. It’s all about relationship. When we read this chapter, we see that the rights if the slave and the rights of the heir are only different because of the relationship that the individuals have with the master. As an heir, we are his children and we are able to enjoy the inheritance. If we’re did not have ther relationship then we would have no right to enjoy anything of ther master’s. What is your relationship to God? How do you relate to all that he does? Are you following God as a slave follows his…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 5, 2022

    Four of the Letters, Day 3 Jesus Christ completed the work of salvation. Read Galatians chapter 3. Paul is explaining the importance of the gospel. Jesus Christ came and through his life, death, and resurrection, we can experience salvation. The people Paul was speaking to understood this, however they were also trying to make the law fit in with this as well. As a result, Paul calls them foolish. How can we start something through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ that somehow we finish through our own efforts and works? The law was given for the sole purpose of helping us to understand just how sinful we truly…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – December 4, 2022

    Four of the Letters, Day 2 Do we seek the opinions of some more than others? Read Galatians chapter 2. Paul is continuing to explain his criteria and qualifications for being able to preach the gospel. As he explains, he came to Jerusalem to share with them what he had been preaching to the gentiles. He explains that he met with certain people who would have been considered celebrities in the church during that time. Still, even meeting with people that were of that high esteem, that didn’t change his message of truth. God had provided him truth through the scripture, and Paul wasn’t going to deviate for that, even…