Christian Devotional – May 19, 2022
Days of the Judges, Day 4 No matter what. When we think about how we obey God, do we obey him no matter what? Read Judges 4. Here we see a great history about the judge Deborah. While we could focus on many things in this recount, I want to look at the role of Barak. He is willing to be obedient, but only if certain circumstances are met. Is our obedience to God based on circumstances? Will we only follow him if he meets our criteria? Instead of setting limits and criteria for God, our response to God is to say, yes Lord. Unlike Barak, our obedience to God…
Christian Devotional – May 18, 2022
Days of the Judges, Day 3 Tales of greatness. While the book of Judges tells many stories about the sin and evil of the Israelites, we can see many great and amazing stories as well. Read Judges 3. We see the journey of 3 different men. These three men all save Israel from people who were overpowering them. These three men all do amazing things for God and through God. Yet, the scripture gives more verses to some than to others. We see the story of Othniel, which doesn’t have much detail. Then we see the story of Ehud, which is very detailed (and one of my favorite stories in…
Christian Devotional – May 17, 2022
Days of the Judges, Day 2 Continued failure. As we continue through the book of Judges, we read chapter two and we see see just how far the Israelites fall. The people don’t pass on the stories to their children. That’s the only reason why the children didn’t know the stories and didn’t have a relationship with God themselves. As parents, we have a responsibility to share our relationship with God with our children. Do they see Christ in us? Do they understand how he has influenced us? Do they see our commitment tho him? We have a responsibility to share with our children, but not just share the facts…
Christian Devotional – May 16, 2022
Days of the Judges, Day 1 The days of the judges. As we start this new study through the book of Judges we are taking a look at a much different period of time and a much different people. Israel was trying to lay claim to all that God had promised them. Read Judges 1. Now remember, God had given them the victory and promised them the land. All they had to do was go in and take it. There was fighting that had to happen, and they had to work for it. However, as we read over and over again in this chapter, we see the people didn’t fully…