• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – May 23, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 130 Waiting and hoping. Read Psalm chapter 130. This is one of my favorite chapters, so much so that I memorized it. This verse always stands out to me as a reminder that waiting and hoping go together. We go through so many things and we feel like we have to wait for so much, but it is never just about waiting. We have a confident assurance that God is going to do exactly what he has promised us. That is what it means to hope. I’m not wishing that something will happen. I know, confidently, without any doubt. I may be waiting with my whole…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – May 22, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 129 Cut me free. Read Psalm chapter 129. There are days that I feel completely overwhelmed by the circumstances and situations that surround me. That is when I have to remember that God has truly freed me from being bound by the evil around me. I can be going through difficulty circumstances, but even in the midst of those, I am actually truly free because God sets me free. I can endure the hard times because I am truly free in Christ.

  • Uncategorized

    Christian Devotional – May 21, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 128 Fear the Lord and obey Him. Read Psalm chapter 128. When we think about what it means to be blessed by the Lord, we must understand that it includes two things. We are to fear the Lord and reverence him, and the second is we must obey him. We do not obey the Lord because we are trying to earn his favor. We obey him because we reverence, love, and respect him. Our obedience is born from our desire to show him our love for him. We can never earn his love so that should not be a motivating factor for obedience. This also means…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – May 20, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 127 God has to do the work and we have to let him. Read Psalm 127. We love to do a lot of work and try to make sure that we are busy and having strong work ethic. However, if God isn’t doing the work, we are laboring in vain. God has to be the one that does the work. Anyone else trying to do the work isn’t going to be successful. Are we allowing God to build the house? Are we letting God do the work? We must submit to him and allow him to work through us.

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – May 19, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 126 What to do when you are weeping? Read Psalm chapter 126. There are times when we will be full of joy and there are other times when we will be weeping. There could be a number of reasons for why we are weeping, but what should we do when we are weeping? We should continue to do the work that God has for us and sow the seeds that he has given us. Sometimes the work that God gives us to do is hard. Sometimes it doesn’t make sense and sometimes it’s a struggle when we are weeping through the difficulties we are going through.…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – May 17, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 125 Not shaken. Read Psalm chapter 125. As followers of Christ, it can feel like so much of what we do is difficult and challenging. The desire to follow Christ and be obedient every day is constantly at war with the sin nature that we have and the desire to do the things of the world. Looking at our relationship with God, we can understand that he is our foundation. He never changes and we can always trust in him to keep us focused and grounded on the things of God. We are to keep our focus on him every day, every moment of every day,…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – May 16, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 124 We all need help. Read Psalm chapter 124. Where do we turn when we need help? Who do we call on? The psalmist reminds the people that they are to ask the Lord for his help. Ultimately, he is the only one who is truly able to help us. Others may listen and sympathize. They may even pray for us. But, only God can truly provide the help that we need in any situation.

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – May 15, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 123 No end. Read Psalm chapter 123. Some days, some situations, some issues, it can feel that there is no end to the problems and contept that we endure. I don’t understand why God allowed to have to go through the things that we do, but often it feels like there is no end in sight Even through these times, God is in control. We can trust him. We can rely in him. There may feel like there is no end, but God is still in control

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – May 14, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 122 Do we seek to spend time with God and with other believers? Read Psalm chapter 122. We have so many choices on where we go and how we spend our time. Yet are we excited to get to spend time with God? Do we look forward to spending time in his house with him and with other believers? If not, why not? These psalms were songs of praise that believers would sing on the path to going to these temple to praise and worship God. Will we sing as we go to God’s house as well?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – May 13, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 121 Know where your help comes from. Read Psalm 121. We often need help throughout our life. We need to truly understand where our help comes from. When we are asking for help, it needs to be from the Lord because that is the only place that helps truly comes from.