• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – April 27, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 109 I love the honesty in the psalms. Read Psalm chapter 109. As we see the author here, he is going through difficulties and has many enemies. He is very honest with God about his feelings and frustrations. It hurts to have people against you. This psalmist wanted God to get the glory and knew that because of the issues. God was not. He prayed through his feelings. Are we honest with God about our feelings and about how others are standing in the way of all that He is doing? Will we bring our feelings to him today so that he can address them.

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – April 24, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 107 Repetition. Read Psalm chapter 107. Reading through this psalm, we see a basic history of the Israelite people. The followed God. Then they stopped following God. Then they went through difficulty and judgement. Then they turned back to God. Then God forgave and restored them. This history was repeated multiple times in reality and also in this chapter. This verse that I highlighted is repeated 4 different times in the chapter. It is a great reminder that no matter what we do, we can always turn back to God and repent. It is also a reminder that sometimes we go through difficulties because God is…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – April 23, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 106 Be blessed. Read Psalm chapter 106. It’s interesting to me. Here we have this chapter that starts out praising God. Then it goes through a lot of history that tells of all the ways that the children of Israel disobeyed God. Finally it ends with praising God. It’s such a stark contrast that we must make the choice to praise God in our lives or else we will end up disobeying him. Are we choosing to praise God all the time in our lives?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – April 22, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 105 The truth sets you free. Read Psalm chapter 105. In this reminder of the life of Joseph, we are taken back through all his struggles and trials. We are reminded of all that he went through. Reading through this again we understand that he was truly tried and much of his life was frustrating and disappointing. Only at the right time did God allow him to be vindicated and for everything that he had been sharing to be proven. Sometimes our life feels like that we struggle and we go through trials and difficulties and it doesn’t feel like anyone hears or listens. We continue…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – April 19, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 104 Rejoice. Read Psalm chapter 104. Any time we look at creation, we should be praising the Lord. Everything he has made is truly so wonderful. Some days are more challenging in our lives and it can be difficult to find things to praise God for, but we can always look around us and see what God has created and recognize that he is worthy of praise. Life may be difficult and circumstances may be challenging but God’s love and creation is always worthy of every bit of our praise.

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – April 17, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 103 Over all. Read Psalm chapter 103. Make no mistake about it, no matter what terrible things are going on in the world we can know that God is ruler over all. There may be a world full of evil leaders and heartless cruel people, but God is truly over all. Sin may seem to be around everything, but God is truly over all. Are we confident in waiting for God’s movement in our lives? Do we acknowledge his authority over every area of our lives? How can we continue to praise him more every day?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – April 16, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 102 Apologies, as I was out of the country for a few days, and internet was a little unreliable. I’m getting caught up. Read Psalm chapter 102. If you ever wondered whether the Bible was written for you, this verse should answer that. God explains very clearly here that everything was recorded so that those who were not there at the time can understand who God is and what God has done for them. They are to praise the Lord because of all that he has done. What are we leaving for the next generation so that they will understand who God is. What are we…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – April 15, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 101 What do we give approval to? Read Psalm chapter 101. As we read through this psalm, it becomes very obvious that it’s easier to just look away and ignore the difficult and sinful things in this world than it is to actually stand up against them. Are we willing to stand up and say, “No that’s not right and I won’t have any part of it,” to those things that are wrong? When we take a look at these situations we must continue to stand firm and we must recognize that we can’t give approval to those things that are against God.

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – April 14, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 100 He is good, he is love, and he is faithful. Read Psalm chapter 100. Reading through this short chapter of praise to God we see that God is good, he is love, and he is faithful. No matter what we have that we are going through, we can always rest in the assurance that God is good. Every good thing given comes from him and everything that comes from him is good. He loves us and because he loves us, we can truly understand what it is to love. Without him loving us, we would have no way to understand what it means to love…