Christian Devotional – March 11, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 69 How do our hearts live? Read Psalm chapter 69. So many good phrases throughout this psalm, but the idea of our heart living through the praise we give God was something that stuck out to me today. So many people feel that they are overwhelmed and that they’re depressed and struggling with issues of the heart. How can we get our heart to live? We are to seek and praise the Lord. As we are glad, God rejoices and restores our heart. Are we allowing God to restore us as we praise him today?
Christian Devotional – March 9, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 68 Demonstration of God’s power. Read Psalm 68. So many places and people today want to see God’s power. However, what they want to see is God do miraculous and amazing things that they want him to do. They don’t necessarily want to see God move in power doing something he wants to do. What do we think about God’s power? Do we recognize that it is a display of his glory and it is for his honor? When we think of God’s power, it is always accompanied with his glory. God would never display his power without a purpose to reveal or declare his glory.…
Christian Devotional – March 8, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 67 Why does God bless us? Read Psalm chapter 67. So often we pray and ask God’s blessing. We want God to bless what we do. We want God to bless what we say. We want God to bless the people around us. But why do we ask for God’s blessing and why should God bless us? God blesses us so that we will spread his name and share his message and that others will bless him and praise him. God’s blessing is never about us, it is always about him. When God bless us, our first response is to praise God and our second response…
Christian Devotional – March 7, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 66 Testing and refining. Read Psalm chapter 66. God tests us, but he does it with purpose. God tests us so that we become more like him. He is refining us so that we lose the impurities and sin in our lives. Are we allowing him to test us? Are we allowing him to work in our lives to make us more like him?
Christian Devotional – March 6, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 65 What are words or phrases that we use to describe God? Read Psalm chapter 65. As we see here, the psalmist describes him as the one who answers prayer. When we think about all that God does for us, we need to remember that he does answer our prayers. He does hear us. He does listen. We can call on him because he is the o e who answers prayers.
Christian Devotional – March 5, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 64 Turned against themselves. Read Psalm chapter 64. As God shares here, we see that the people ultimately will end up fighting against themselves. God will turn them against themselves. When we think of the judgment of God, he can use so many different things to be able to judge people, including themselves. Are we waiting on God’s judgment.
Christian Devotional – March 4, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 63 Peaceful sleep. Read Psalm chapter 63. Do you ever have difficulty sleeping? Sometimes it can be a challenge for me to get back to sleep in the middle of the night. I am great at thinking through a myriad of things in the wee hours of the morning, which isn’t always helpful. What I have learned and have to remember is that God sees us and knows us, and he gives us peace even as we sleep. We can rest in him and be thinking of his glory and his majesty and not be worried about the challenges or difficulties or worries of this life.…
Christian Devotional – March 3, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 62 Finding rest. Read Psalm chapter 62. In our busy, crazy world, the idea of finding rest is so appealing. God is that rest. He is the one that provides rest in the midst of the crazy. Are we finding our rest in Christ?
Christian Devotional – March 2, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 61 I need help. Read Psalm chapter 61. As we read here, the psalmist needs help. He’s going through difficulty and he is looking to the Lord for his guidance. Part of the wisdom of this Psalm is seeing that the psalmist knows he can’t solve his own problems. We are the height of foolishness when we think we have the answer to the problems we are going through. Only God can lead us through our difficulties. Are we being led to him? The psalmist asks to be led to the rock that is higher than him, are we asking God to lead us and do…
Christian Devotional – March 1, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 60 Worthless. Read Psalm chapter 60. As we see the psalmist, we understand that he needed divine help. Nothing and no one in this world was going to be able to help him except God. Do we turn to him for all of our help? Are we willing to seek God and not lean on ourselves for our needs?