• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 17, 2022

    Teaching and Training, Day 5 Who do we pray for? As we continue through the teachings that Paul gave to Timothy, we see his urging to pray for others. Read 1 Timothy 2:1-8. Interestingly, Paul does not command Timothy to do this. It is a strong urging. However, the question remains, who do we pray for? Are we focused on those around us and their spiritual needs? Do we concern ourselves with their relationship with God? Are we so broken over their need that we that we focus on continuing to lift them up in prayer? As we see throughout the rest of scripture, everyone is our neighbor. We need…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 16, 2022

    Teaching and Training, Day 4 Remember. One of the most important parts of teaching and training is actually remembering what you have learned. Read 1 Timothy 1:18-20. Paul know all that Timothy has gone through. He desires to see Timothy remember all that he has learned. How often do we see God work and move and we learn from Him, but then something happens and we forget all God has done and how he has moved? Don’t allow all that God is doing to get lost in forgetting. We must continue to remember how God moves and the lessons that we learned from the struggles we have gone through. God…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 15, 2022

    Teaching and Training, Day 3 God grace is sufficient. As we read the next section in this training manual that Paul wrote for Timothy, we see that no matter what we have been through in our lives, God’s grace is sufficient for us. Read 1 Timothy 1:12-17. Paul wants Timothy to understand the magnitude and the depth of the grace and mercy of God. Paul explains just exactly what his own past looked like and how much of a sinner he was, and yet God still had mercy and grace for him. We can understand the same thing. As we seek to be trained by God we can realize that…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 14, 2022

    Teaching and Training, Day 2 Why did God give us the law? What was the point of the 10 Commandments? Read 1 Timothy 1:6-11. As Paul is teaching Timothy, he wants to help him understand why God gave the law in the first place. God gave the law so that we would understand that we were lawbreakers. Without the law come out we would never know that we were sinful. Timothy needed to understand this as he was teaching those around him. He needed to help the people understand that the laws that they had been following for the whole of their life were something they were never meant to…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – July 13, 2022

    Teaching and Training, Day 1 Paul is training his disciple, Timothy. We get a chance to study through and understand how to live the Christian life directly from Paul himself. Read 1 Timothy 1:1-5. As we read these verses, we see Paul’s encouraging and uplifting introduction to the young Timothy. We see verse 5 that explains Paul’s goal for him which is love, a pure conscience, and a sincere faith. But I never noticed verse 4 before. As we see in verse 5, Paul mentions that the goal of his command is to create these things in Timothy’s life. But what was the command? To see Paul’s command to Timothy,…