
Christian Devotional – July 26, 2016

Read 1 Kings chapter 4


1 Kings 4:29–God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand of the seashore.


Solomon was very wise, but he didn’t get that way on his own. God gave him the wisdom that he had and gave him the insight that he needed. We have the same God that Solomon had and as a result the very same wisdom that Solomon had, we have access to if we will only seek that from the One who holds all knowledge and wisdom. Are we trying to use our own wisdom and insight? If we are, we will find that we fail more often than not. Today, we must seek all that God has for us so that we can do all that He desires for us. This includes His wisdom.


Father, I praise You for all that You are and all that You are doing. I desperately need Your wisdom for without it, I won’t have a chance in the decisions that I make. Thank You for displaying Your wisdom through Solomon and I pray that You will give me Your wisdom as well as I go through my day today!