
Christian Devotional – November 30, 2013


Numbers 14:9–“Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them.”


Caleb was making his plea to the people of Israel. He is trying to help them understand that they could go in to the promised land and they would be successful because God is with them. The people are afraid and ultimately decide not to go in to the land, and they were disobedient to God. This speech that Caleb gives is such as wonderful speech to remind ourselves when we are facing difficult decisions. We are to be obedient and we can remember that we do not need to be afraid. We do not need to be afraid. When God has directed us to do something, we can trust that He will be with us and we do not need to be afraid. We can obey God even in difficult situation because God is with us.


Father, I will not rebel against You. I will not be afraid of the difficulties that are ahead of me because through You, we will devour them. The difficulties will fail, but You are with me. I will not be afraid!