Christian Devotional – March 4, 2023
Principles of Leadership, Day 7 Where will God use you? Read Proverbs 22:29. This statement of practical wisdom is an interesting one. You see, it’s very true. If you do a good job at what you do, then most of the time people will notice and want those people to help them. Highly skilled people are in denand. What does this mean for leadership? First, we are to be continually working to improve ourselves. While it is very true that God can put us anywhere and do anything he wants to through us,we must take responsibility to grow ourselves and learn what we can so that God has the best…
Christian Devotional – March 3, 2023
Principles of Leadership, Day 6 Guard your heart. Read Proverbs 4:23. You may ask, what does guarding your heart have to do with leadership? This seems like a principle that should be for everyone, not just leaders. You’re actually correct. Every single one of us should understand and take the responsibility of guarding our heart so that it is focused on Christ and does not get distracted by anything else in the world around us. However, I would also say that for leaders, this is especially important. Your attitude is contagious amongst the people that you lead. Your teams will always be a reflection of you. If you are not…
Christian Devotional – March 2, 2023
Principles of Leadership, Day 5 A Leader is something you become. Read Matthew 20:26. In this chapter, we see a couple of Jesus’s disciples asking to be given positions of leadership. However, Jesus explains that they do not know what they are asking for. However, he goes on to explain more about what it means to become a leader. You see, “leaders” are not necessarily something that people are. “Leaders” are something people become. Just because you are not a leader today doesn’t mean that you can’t be a leader tomorrow. As we read this verse, we see that the process of becoming a leader is often opposite of what…
Christian Devotional – March 1, 2023
Principles of Leadership, Day 4 What are we lifting up? Read John 3:30. Similar to yesterday’s discussion, as leaders, we need to recognize the importance of lifting up that which matters most. John the Baptist recognized the need for this. He had many followers and much influence. However, he recognized that ultimately, it was not about him, it was about Christ. When we are truly leading others and in Godly, Christian way, we are pointing them to Christ, not to ourselves. No matter who we try to lead, we will never be a better leader then Christ. Are we seeking to make him more in our lives every day so…
Christian Devotional – February 28, 2023
Principles of Leadership, Day 3 Servant Leadership. Read James 4:10. This had been a buzz word in leadership circles for several years. Yet, the people who have been truly been successful at it recognize that this is so much more than a leadership buzz word. It is a way of life. Humility is characteristic of Jesus Christ that we see in Philippians chapter 2. When we are humble, it is not about what we are lowering, it becomes about what we are choosing to raise up instead. We choose to lower ourselves and to raise up Christ. A true leader points other people to the real Leader, God. We cannot…
Christian Devotional – February 27, 2023
Principles of Leadership, Day 2 Accountability. Read James 3:1. Whhen we think about the leadership, many people aspire to be in positions of leadership and authority. They want all of the benefits that seem to go along with the position and the role. However, here we see that one key component of leadership is accountability. James is reminding the people that those who are in positions of leadership and authority, like the teachers of the word, actually are held to a higher standard. There is more expected of them. You see, when you’re a leader, people watch you and mimic you. People imitate you. Your life is on display for…
Christian Devotional – February 26, 2023
Principles of Leadership, Day 1 For the next several days, I invite you to come on a journey with me. I am researching and studying leadership principles from the Bible for a bigger project that I am working on. Let’s take a look at Hebrews 13:7. This verse is such a strong reminder about the importance of integrity. Whether you consider yourself a leader or not, this still applies. People are looking at your life, every day. People are comparing your actions with their understanding of what right. Do we do what we know we should be doing? Do our actions line up with our words? When I think of…
Christian Devotional – February 25, 2023
The God who Hears, Day 55 What is our sacrifice to God worth to us? Read 2 Samuel chapter 24. As we close out this study over the books of Samuel, we have seen so many ways in which God hears us. The life of David and the life of Samuel are examples of God moving and working through our lives as we listen and obey him. This last chapter spells out something that David did wrong and something that David did right. Interestingly, David tried to find his sense of power and might through the number of people that he had. God reminded him that he is the power…
Christian Devotional – February 24, 2023
The God who Hears, Day 54 David’s final words. Read 2 Samuel chapter 24. David knows that he is nearing the end of his kife. He shares his continuing praise of God. When we look at David’s life, we continue to be reminded of the praise that David constantly strived for. Are we praising God for everything? Are our words a focus for us? How can we praise God in all that we do?
Christian Devotional – February 23, 2023
The God who Hears, Day 53 David’s song of victory. Read 2 Samuel chapter 22. God had worked in amazing and miraculous ways in David’s life. As a result, David wanted to spend time praising God. This entire chapter is full of lots of ways to lift up and praise God. This verse stuck out to me today. There is a book entitled “Hinds feet on High Places” that is a wonderful fictional story about this verse. Are we allowing God to set our feet on high places? Do we acknowledge all that we must go through is only to make us more like him. God gets the glory and…