Christian Devotional – November 16, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 41 Chaos ensues. Read Jeremiah chapter 41. In the aftermath of the fall of Jerusalem and the invasion of the Babylonians, chaos reigned. The people were shuffled from one spot to another and they had been held captive in various spots and with various leaders. So it only makes sense that when a nicer leader comes along, the people jumped from an evil leader to one they thought was nicer. How does that apply to our own life? Well, who are you following and why? What keeps you on one path instead of turning to another? As we consider these people, they were just following what…
Christian Devotional – November 14, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 40 An assassination plot. Read Jeremiah chapter 40. As the people are being carried off into exile, Jeremiah is recognized and given his freedom. He decides to go to the house of the governor and stay. They learn of an assassination plot, but the governor discredits it and says its nothing. Do we listen to the advisors around us? How can we know who to believe? The governor believed the wrong people and he ended up being killed. Are we measuring our choices next to the only standard, Jesus Christ?
Christian Devotional – November 13, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 39 The end has come. Read Jeremiah chapter 39. As God said and Jeremiah prophesied, The end has come and the Babylon army is taking over everything. Because of his disobedience, exactly what Jeremiah had prophesied about the king came to pass. Jeremiah was saved, just a he was told. And here, we see that God is protecting the people that have been obedient. Difficulties come in life because there is sin in the world. However, we can trust in God. God knows all that he is allowing us to go through. God can bring us through it in a way that glorifies God. Will we…
Christian Devotional – November 11, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 38 Too afraid to obey. Read Jeremiah chapter 38. The time is getting close and the county is about to be taken over. The king reaches out to Jeremiah about what to do. Jeremiah tells him the word of the Lord. But the king frankly admits that he is too afraid to obey. He fears the people and is afraid of what they might do to him. How often does fear keep us from obeying God? Do we know what we are supposed to do, but worry about other people? The king had that fear and it was keeping him from being obedient to God. When…
Christian Devotional – November 10, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 37 The cost of obedience. Read Jeremiah chapter 37. Even though Jeremiah spoke the truth and delivered the message of God. Some didn’t like that. He still experienced persecution. Obeying God doesn’t mean that we will always be liked. In fact, most of the time obeying God means that we will not be liked. Are we willing to follow God no matter what is going on around us? Regardless of whether we are liked or not, we are called to be obedient and surrendered to Jesus Christ.
Christian Devotional – November 9, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 36 What a difference the word of God makes. Read Jeremiah chapter 36. God gave Jeremiah a new message and he gave him a new way to deliver that message. Jeremiah dictated a scroll. Then, because Jeremiah was banned from the temple, he had another man read the scroll. The words of God were so impactful that those people went and told other people about God’s Word. Then those people wanted to hear the scroll and they told other people. It went on until the king himself asked to hear the scroll. Unfortunately, while the initial people were moved by the words that God said, the…
Christian Devotional – November 8, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 35 A legacy of obedience. Read Jeremiah chapter 35. God asks Jeremiah to bring in a specific family. When Jeremiah does this, God tells him to offer them wine. The family strictly refuses saying that they have kept the command to not drink wine for generations. Their forefathers had shared with them that was a command and they have strictly kept it and been obedient to that throughout multiple generations. God shows this as an example of what he was looking for from the people of Israel. God wanted the people of Israel to be obedient to him throughout multiple generations. It is truly amazing to…
Christian Devotional – November 7, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 34 What is fair? Read Jeremiah chapter 34. The Lord had requested obedience on a certain command. The people had continued slavery, even though God had specifically told them to free their Hebrew brothers and sisters every 7 years. The people had refused to do that. However, God told them to free the people and so they had done it. Unfortunately, they decided they didn’t like that and so they had gone back and recaptured all of their slaves and forced them back into slavery. God was not happy. In a very sarcastic tone, and almost using air quotes, God tells the people that because they…
Christian Devotional – November 6, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 33 Fulfillment of promise. Read Jeremiah chapter 33. As God continues to share with Jeremiah, we see the bigger picture of God’s ultimate plan. God helps Jeremiah to understand that there is a Savior coming. There is a plan for complete redemption. There is salvation to be found. When we look at the world around us, we understand the sin throughout the world, it’s important to know that God has victory in the end. God understands where we are at and he will judge the sin in the world. However, God will be the Victor. God will bring about victory and we can live in the…
Christian Devotional – November 5, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 32 God can do it all. Read Jeremiah chapter 32. Interestingly, Jeremiah has to remind the people that God is more than capable of addressing the issues and concerns. But, he is still only going to address what is going to bring him glory. Do we acknowledge the glory that God is due? Do we seek his glory, even when the path to get there is more challenging than anything else we have ever faced?