• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 4, 2022

    The Weeping Prophet, Day 31 God loves us. Read Jeremiah chapter 31. God uses this chapter to remind Jeremiah and the people that he loves them. He will restore them. God’s love is everlasting and unfailing. We cannot truly understand what it means to be loved by God. And yet, we are. It is an amazing and unfathomable thing. Today, no matter what you are going through or experiencing, remember the depth of God’s love for you.

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 3, 2022

    The Weeping Prophet, Day 30 Restoration. Read Jeremiah chapter 30. God had judged the people. Jeremiah had already shared and explained what was coming. They were going to experience judgment and they were going to be exiled. However, God shared to Jeremiah that that was not the end. God was not condemning the people forever. God had a plan and God was going to provide restoration. God knew that there would be a point that he would bring them back and restore them. This judgment was just for a time and a season. The challenges that we go through and difficulties that we face are for us to get closer…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 2, 2022

    The Weeping Prophet, Day 29 Seek God. Read Jeremiah chapter 23. The people were in the worst possible situation. They had been taken captive and yet Jeremiah is still prophesying to them. Jeremiah reminds them God still has a plan. Even in the midst of the darkest situation, God still wants us to seek him. God is still the one with the answers. Are we seeking after God? God promises that if we will seek him, then we will find him. God is not trying to hide from us. Are we seeking him today?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 1, 2022

    The Weeping Prophet, Day 28 “Liar, liar, pants on fire.” Jeremiah accuses the other prophet of lying. Read Jeremiah chapter 28. One of the other prophets keeps telling the people and the king that everything is going to be ok. He goes through the process of making a big show to demonstrate this. However, it doesn’t matter how much of a demonstration he makes, Jeremiah tells him that he is just a liar. He is not speaking the truth of God, but is lying to the people. Jeremiah wants the people to realize that even though this other prophet’s message is what they would want to hear. We need to…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 31, 2022

    The Weeping Prophet, Day 27 Options. Read Jeremiah chapter 27. God gave the people options. As God was delivering his message to Jeremiah, Jeremiah was to tell the people what was going to happen and then give them two options of how they could respond to that information. God shared with the people that he was going to allow the Babylonians to take over. Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon was going to be in charge of everything in that area because God was going to allow it. However, the people had a choice. They could either choose to serve Babylon, or they could resist and as a result God would…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 30, 2022

    The Weeping Prophet, Day 26 Angry about God’s message. Read Jeremiah chapter 26. Jeremiah has continued to share God’s message with people, and they don’t like it. People decide that Jeremiah must die. The king actually has already had another prophet killed who was sharing God’s message. They began to debate about whether or not killing Jeremiah would be OK. The kings are trying to avoid punishment at all costs and so the question becomes, will the judgment that Jeremiah describes come true, or will they experience more judgment and punishment by killing him? God works through the situation and saves Jeremiah, but we need to recognize the fact that…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 29, 2022

    The Weeping Prophet, Day 25 Continued disobedience. Read Jeremiah chapter 25. God continues to explain the disobedience of the people around him. He explains that the people of Judah have been disobedient and for that, they will be judged. However, it’s not just Judah that has been disobedient to God. All the other nations surrounding them have been disobedient as well. God reminds them that they will be judged as well. Judah was supposed to have been a light to the nations. They were supposed to be the ones sharing with others about the holiness and power of the one true God. However, they allowed all the other nations to…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 28, 2022

    The Weeping Prophet, Day 24 Do we have a heart to know God? Read Jeremiah chapter 24. God gives Jeremiah an example to share with the people showing two baskets of figs. One of these baskets are very good and the other basket is very bad. God explains that the very good figs are like the people who will be sent into exile. God will teach them how to love him. God will give them a heart for him. The other basket will be the leaders of the current country that have led the people astray. They will be destroyed. As we look to God and desire to be the…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 27, 2022

    The Weeping Prophet, Day 23 God knows. Read Jeremiah chapter 23. Sometimes we have the idea that we do things in secret. There’s actually nothing that we do that is truly secret. We may look around and realize that there is no one in the vicinity or in the same room with us, but God is always with us. God sees everything that we do and he knows every thought that we have. There is nothing that we do or even think that is secret. God knows our motivations and he knows our heart. These people were disobedient and doing things that they should not have been doing. They were…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – October 26, 2022

    The Weeping Prophet, Day 22 Leadership responsibilities. Read Jeremiah chapter 22. God speaks to all the kings in the area. He wants to make sure that all of them understand how they have led their countries away from God. Their leadership matters. When we are in positions of leadership, we have additional responsibility to ensure that we are pointing other people to Christ. While every single person is responsible to live a life that reflects the holiness of Christ, those in leadership have an additional responsibility. God holds leaders accountable for how they use their leadership.. How does their authority influence and direct others? Those who have not used that…